So, What’s on Your Mind?

Doubt? Fear? Failure? Defeat? One of our greatest challenges is controlling our minds. It’s easy to see how our thoughts can run amok. The negatives in the world, in our cities and states, even in our own lives impact us. However, we can encourage and comfort ourselves by remembering Jesus.


Jesus gave His life for us so that we will have eternal life in heaven. But there is more to Jesus’ story as He lived on this earth. Jesus experienced everything that we are experiencing. We do not have to wonder when we pray whether God knows what we are talking about – – because He does. Not only does He know but He sent us some help to guide and comfort us during difficult times.

Who is this Help? The Holy Ghost. We can ask the Holy Ghost to help us change our thinking when we begin to feel anxious or worried or (Add any emotion that is the result of negative thinking.)

Life’s Uncertainties

We know that there are many unknowns in life. And the longer we live, the more likely we will experience illness, death, heartache . . .   Still, we have to shut down negative thoughts. Why? Our thoughts determine our outlook on life. To paraphrase Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) – – A thought results in an action. Actions form our habits. Habits develop our character. And our character shapes our destiny.

The Battlefield

A few years ago, we heard someone say, (sorry can’t remember who) Get rid of stinkin thinkin! Joyce Meyer, prolific writer and teacher wrote a book called, Battlefield of the mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind. This title tells us that there is a war taking place in our heads. The combatants are God’s truth versus wayward thoughts. 

The Apostle Paul in II Corinthians, Chapter 10, writes about incorrect reasoning that leads to wayward thinking. Paul in his letter is responding to people who are questioning his authority as an apostle. His context is not the same as ours, but we can follow his instructions.

Wayward thinking – – Wondering if God has forgotten us? Maybe even questioning if God is powerful enough or cares enough about us to protect and keep us? Is God really who He says He is? Can God really do what He says He can do? Is He omniscient (all knowing)? Omnipotent (all powerful)? Omnipresent (everywhere)?

Fighting the Battle

In II Corinthians, Chapter 10, Paul’s instructions are direct and straight to the point. Shut down wayward thinking (negative thoughts) that are opposite to the Word of God. Negative thoughts are like weeds. Weeds choke out the life of vibrant plants. Do not allow any thought to choke out God’s truth – – to keep you from your full life in Jesus Christ. Instead follow the Apostle’s advice – – Capture the rebellious thoughts and make them submit to God’s truth.  (

God’s Truth

First and foremost, God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ His Son to die for us. Second, Jesus loved us so much that He submitted to His Father’s will and died. Third, Jesus did not want us to be alone or without help once He left this earth. And so, He sent us a guide, a helper, a comforter – – the Holy Ghost. And finally, we are never alone in this life. God is always with us, and He is always taking care of us.

God Has Spoken Ministry (GHSM); Celebrating God: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost!

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