Get to know us
Celebrating God: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost!
Our Mission
Our mission is to encourage the Christian believer.
Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One Who makes me who I am. – Philippians 4:13 (MSG)
Our Vision
Our vision is that every Christian believer will live a life that is dependent upon God.
It’s what we trust in but don’t yet see that keeps us going. – II Corinthians 5:7 (MSG)
Our Purpose & Expectation
Our purpose is to engage in conversations that will uplift the reader, no matter where he or she is in his or her relationship with God. Our expectation is that God will guide us as we grow stronger in Him.
Our Latest Posts
Living Well in 2025 . . .
Do You Have THE FAITH for IT?
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained!
This Journey Called Life!
Life is a journey with many unknowns. Living life can be like driving through the mountains of Tennessee or hiking through the wilderness. You can’t always see what’s ahead, but you keep going knowing that if you stop, you will not reach your destination.
The Apostle James tells us that we can make plans for our lives, but we don’t know if those plans will become our reality. How many of us have had to cancel vacations or downsize because of an economic downturn? Who has had to rush to the hospital because you found yourself suddenly ill or received that dreaded phone call that a loved one had taken a turn for the worse? Better yet, who planned for a pandemic in 2020?
In 1999, we just wanted to see the year 2000. Many believed that 2000 would be ok if nothing catastrophic happened at 12 midnight on January 1, 2000. Little did we know that 19 years into the 21st century we would be trying to fight off a plague that we cannot see, trying to find our way through economic hardship, mourning the loss of friends and family members and even those whom we don’t know and the list goes on . . .
Living in 2020 has made the Apostle James’ warning that “life is a vapour” much more real. We see or talk to a person one day; only to discover that he or she is gone the next day. And we didn’t even get a chance to say good-bye. Every breath that we breathe is a gift from God.
God Has Spoken Ministry believes that God expects every believer to live life to the fullest despite the uncertainties and challenges of life. Yes, there will be struggles. Yes, there will be unknowns. But there will also be joy and celebrations.
You do not have to navigate any of life’s paths alone. God Has Spoken Ministry would like to join in with you on this journey called life. It doesn’t matter where you are from day to day or week to week or month to month. We are here for you. Please accept our invitation to travel with us weekly in uplifting, encouraging honest conversations.
God Has Spoken Ministry does not claim to be the “Einstein” of the Bible. We do however promise to share God’s Word with you as It is found in the Holy Bible.
God Has Spoken Ministry does not claim to have a magic formula for traversing life’s paths. Instead we will submit to the WILL as we read the WORD and are led by the SPIRIT! So please, come join us weekly and hear what God is speaking to you through God Has Spoken Ministry.