When God Says NO . . .

When God Says NO . . . (Part II)

Today we continue the conversation, When God Says NO. Has God ever said NO to any of your requests? We do not know any believer who has had every prayer answered with a YES from God. King David, described as a man after God’s own heart did not always receive a YES answer from God. God the Father told Jesus NO in response to his prayer request in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Responding to God’s Answer???

You may have prayed long, hard, and often – – only to hear God say NO. How do or did you react upon hearing that NO?

King David prayed that God would heal his child. The child died. David took off his mourning clothes and began to worship God upon hearing that his child had died. King David wanted to build a temple for God. God told David that his son, Solomon, would build the temple. What did David do when God said NO to his plan? The King supplied expensive building materials for the temple.

Three times before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed to God the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said, ‘My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.‘ (Matthew 26:39, NLT) We know God’s answer to Jesus’ prayer. And we know Jesus’ response.

Unlike King David and Jesus, some of us have refused to accept God’s NO. Some continue to pray; hoping to change God’s mind while looking for support from both believers and unbelievers.

And then there are those of us who follow the examples of King David and Jesus. Accepting God’s NO, we remind ourselves of Jesus’ message in the Sermon on the Mount. In that Sermon, Jesus compared God the Father to our earthly fathers (earthly parents). He stated, ‘You parents – – if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.‘ (Matthew 7:9-11, NLT) (https://godhasspokenministries.com/2021/06/03/when-god-says-no/)

What Is Your Relationship with God? 

Your relationship with God determines your response When God says NO. There are some believers who have never developed a relationship with God. Yes, they have eternal life; but their Christian walk is a shallow walk. Speaking to God for a few minutes in the morning or talking to God when they need or want something is the extent of their relationship with God. Accepting God’s answer of NO to their prayer requests is at best difficult for them if not impossible.

Whereas the believers who are daily developing their relationship with God through prayer, fasting, reading, and meditating on the Word will be more readily able to accept God’s answer of NO to their prayer requests. Yes, it might be a struggle. But, their knowledge of God will help them accept God’s answer. For these believers have learned how much God loves them and are reaping the benefits of God’s love. They have also learned to reverence God’s sovereignty. Therefore, their response becomes, ‘Thy Will be done.

Trusting God

One question often asked is, “Can I ask God why He answered NO to my prayer request?” And our answer is, “Absolutely.” God knows that you will have questions about His answers to your prayers. He expects you to talk with Him as a child talks to his or her parent – – with respect and love. Never be afraid to talk to God. And expect a response from God. Once again though, it is important to remember that God is sovereign. He will answer in His own timing and in His own way.

Eric’s Story

Allow us to share with you a story about our good friend, Eric. On the day of his dad’s funeral, Eric received an unexpected call. While standing in his backyard, reminiscing about his dad, he heard a voice from his past. It was the voice of Becky. Eric had not spoken to Becky in over 20 years although he had been deeply in love with her. To make a long story short, Eric and Becky rekindled their relationship. The relationship was a long-distance relationship. Eric lived in Minnesota. Becky lived in Texas. The opportunity however came for Eric to move closer to Becky. An up and coming technology company invited Eric to interview for a job in Texas. Eventually, the company offered the job to someone else. For Eric, being highly qualified did not matter. Because God said NO. It was several years later that Eric discovered the reason for God’s NO. One day, as he scrolled through Facebook, he found several pictures of Becky with another man. The postings indicated that Becky was in a relationship with this man during the time that she had led Eric to believe that they were in a committed relationship. Finally, Eric understood the reason for God’s NO. God knew that Becky was dishonest. He chose to protect Eric and keep him from future heartache.

There are other stories from friends that we could share with you when God has answered NO to their prayers.

  • Loved ones who have died even though prayers have been prayed requesting life.
  • Being denied loans to purchase a home
  • Not getting promotions.
  • Fantastic deals not materializing.
  • Not getting opportunities to follow what they thought were their dreams and the list goes on . . .

How did they cope? They depended upon God to help them. Some have eventually arrived at an understanding of God’s answer while others are still waiting.

Jesus Sent You The Helper

Jesus made several promises to the disciples as he prepared them for his departure. One of his promises was that He would send the Holy Ghost to them. As believers, we thank the Father for sending the Son to save us; but we neglect to thank the Son for sending the Holy Ghost to help us.

Jesus came to earth as a human being. While on earth, He experienced everything that we have and will ever experience. Thus, He knows that we will need help to navigate through this earthly life when our prayers are not answered according to our desires; or when we just cannot understand where God is taking us.

The Holy Ghost is our help. God Has Spoken Ministry encourages you to turn to the Holy Ghost to help you through the times when God says NO. Welcome the Holy Ghost into your lives as we have welcomed Him into ours. Learn to be receptive to His comfort and guidance because the time will come when God says NO. (https://www.gotquestions.org/who-is-the-Comforter.html)

God Has Spoken Ministry (GHSM); Celebrating God: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost


2 thoughts on “When God Says NO . . .”

  1. Thank you for this wonderfully powerful message. There have been times when I wondered why God said No, and I continued to pray for something that was not his will for me. The story about Eric and Becky made me reflect on why God has said No to some of my requests. Now, I thank God that his answer was No because he was working things out for my good.
    May God continue to Bless and Anoint you.

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